Choosing and assembling a DIY 3D printer

by Reece

DIY 3D printers are not sold when they are fully assembled. This means that you have to use the parts to make your printer from scratch. However, DIY 3D printers come in two types. The first one if the fully custom printer. This is a type of DIY 3D printer that you have to construct from scratch without any manual. It is the most challenging type of DIY 3D printer to set up because it requires technical know-how. It is also advantageous to people who know the technology because with such a printer, repairs and operating is a walk in the park. This means that you will not have to hire a professional to repair something that you built from scratch. 

The second type is the printer in a box. This type is easier to assemble because you buy all the necessary parts from the market and get a manual of how to assemble the product. This means that you do not need to have any technical knowledge. All you need to do is follow the manual. With this type of DIY 3D printer, you can easily order a replacement of parts from the manufacturer in case of repair needs. In this post, we look at how to choose the best DIY 3D printer kit. 

Choosing the best DIY 3D printer Kit

The market is packed with a wide range of DIY printer kits from which you can choose. This is challenging for some people because making the best choice is not a walk in the park. Below are some elements you ought to consider when choosing the ideal DIY 3D printer kit;

1. Type of 3D printer

The first thing you need to do is determine which type of 3D printer you are looking to construct. There are more than 11 types of 3D printers in the market. When choosing the ideal one for you, you can ask yourself questions like; what capabilities do you require from the printer? You can also consider how you want to use the printer. The choice of printer type you make will determine which kit you get. 

2. Type of DIY 3D printer kit

You also have to consider the type of DIY printer kit you are looking to acquire. Consider your technical skills and how much time you can spare to construct the product. 

Other factors you can look into include;

  • Price
  • Quality
  • Availability of spare parts and
  • Durability

3. How to assemble a DIY 3D printer?

Below is a quick guide that you can use;

  • Collect all the parts- if you are going for a fully custom printer, you have to research and make a list of the parts before buying them. On the other hand, if you are going from the printer in a box, all you need is to purchase the kit. 
  • Collect the necessary tools
  • Read the instructions in the manual- the manual will help you assemble the parts. You can also find videos of YouTube or ask for assistance from professionals if you are making a fully custom printer. 
  • Prepare the software- note that the printer cannot work without the appropriate software. 

Final word

In summary: 

  • DIY printer is one that you get to assemble from scratch. 
  • There are two types of DIY 3D printers(fully custom and printer in a box)
  • When choosing the best kit, consider the type of printer you want to make
  • Use a manual or professional guide to assemble the printer

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